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Collectibles -> Historical Memorabilia -> Fraternal Organizations -> Boy Scouts -> Other Boy Scout Collectibles - page 1
1962 Eagle Award For Troop 15
1962 Eagle Award For Troop 15 $ 15.00
1966 PEDRO AWARD $ 15.00
1967 Chippewa Dirstrict  Explorers Award Plaque
1967 Chippewa Dirstrict Explorers Award Plaque $ 15.00
1970 Boy Scouts Of America Certificate of Appreciation
1970 Boy Scouts Of America Certificate of Appreciation $ 15.00
1972 Scoutmaster's Award First Eagle Dinner Plaque
1972 Scoutmaster's Award First Eagle Dinner Plaque $ 15.00
1973 C.T.E. Society of Singed Eyebrows Certificate
1973 C.T.E. Society of Singed Eyebrows Certificate $ 15.00
1975 Leader of Distinction Certificate
1975 Leader of Distinction Certificate $ 15.00
1977 Bicentennial Declaration Certificate Award
1977 Bicentennial Declaration Certificate Award $ 15.00
1980 Award of Merit Idealism and Citizenship
1980 Award of Merit Idealism and Citizenship $ 15.00
1980 In Appreciation Award Certificate
1980 In Appreciation Award Certificate $ 15.00

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