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Collectibles -> Historical Memorabilia -> Other Historical Memorabilia - page 2
Democratic Digest-11/57 Sputnik, Ike Going D!
Democratic Digest-11/57 Sputnik, Ike Going D! $ 15.00
Democratic Digest-3/57-Ikes Monster Budget
Democratic Digest-3/57-Ikes Monster Budget $ 15.00
Democratic Digest-6/59-Enter the Lame Ducks!
Democratic Digest-6/59-Enter the Lame Ducks! $ 15.00
Democratic Digest-9/57-Why Did Ike Pick Gluck
Democratic Digest-9/57-Why Did Ike Pick Gluck $ 15.00
Democratic Digest-February 57'-Real State o'U
Democratic Digest-February 57'-Real State o'U $ 15.00
Democratic Editorial-10/1/60-JFK Photo!
Democratic Editorial-10/1/60-JFK Photo! $ 15.00
Democratic Editorial-10/8/60-Photos of JFK
Democratic Editorial-10/8/60-Photos of JFK $ 15.00
Democratic Editorial-11/16/60-Kennedy Photo
Democratic Editorial-11/16/60-Kennedy Photo $ 15.00
Democratic Editorial-9/23/60-Kennedy Photo!
Democratic Editorial-9/23/60-Kennedy Photo! $ 15.00
Early Life of/the Pennsylvania Germans
Early Life of/the Pennsylvania Germans $ 15.00
Eisenhower Campaign Program from Pittsburgh
Eisenhower Campaign Program from Pittsburgh $ 15.00
Employees First Annual Picnic of Curtiss Pro
Employees First Annual Picnic of Curtiss Pro $ 15.00
Foreign Patents Booklet from about 1920!
Foreign Patents Booklet from about 1920! $ 15.00
George Wallace Campaign Literature
George Wallace Campaign Literature $ 12.00
Green Stocking- Schenley H.S. Senior Class Play-1/18/18
Green Stocking- Schenley H.S. Senior Class Play-1/18/18 $ 15.00
Green Tree Borough Centennial 1885-1985! GreatHistry!
Green Tree Borough Centennial 1885-1985! GreatHistry! $ 15.00
Hallmark-Words of Wisdom- Limited Edition Book- 1960
Hallmark-Words of Wisdom- Limited Edition Book- 1960 $ 75.00
[image not available]
Historic Ohio & Facts About Ohio Mags $ 12.00
Historic Ohio Magazine,c1960
Historic Ohio Magazine,c1960 $ 15.00
Historic Old Fort Niagra in Niagra Falls!
Historic Old Fort Niagra in Niagra Falls! $ 15.00
History of Pennsylvania in America- 1935 Reprint.
History of Pennsylvania in America- 1935 Reprint. $ 15.00

Items 22 - 42 of 99 total (21 per page) - [Show: all 10 25 50 100 250 500 1000 items per page]
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