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Collectibles -> Historical Memorabilia -> Teaching & Education -> Colleges & Universities - page 15
Univ. of Pittsburgh Alumni Review Magazine- Fall 1936
Univ. of Pittsburgh Alumni Review Magazine- Fall 1936 $ 15.00
Univ. of Pittsburgh Commencement Program 1957
Univ. of Pittsburgh Commencement Program 1957 $ 15.00
Univ. of Pittsburgh Evening Classes 1947 Bulletin
Univ. of Pittsburgh Evening Classes 1947 Bulletin $ 15.00
Univ. of Pittsburgh Evening Classes 1953 Bulletin
Univ. of Pittsburgh Evening Classes 1953 Bulletin $ 15.00
Univ. of Pittsburgh Freshwoman Induction 10/1958
Univ. of Pittsburgh Freshwoman Induction 10/1958 $ 15.00
Univ. of Pittsburgh Scholars' Day Assembly 1946 Program
Univ. of Pittsburgh Scholars' Day Assembly 1946 Program $ 15.00
Univ. of Pittsburgh School of Education 1947 Bulletin
Univ. of Pittsburgh School of Education 1947 Bulletin $ 15.00
Univ. of Pittsburgh Times 6/1969 Alumni Newspaper
Univ. of Pittsburgh Times 6/1969 Alumni Newspaper $ 15.00
Univ. of Pittsburgh Yearbook 1937- John Woodruff
Univ. of Pittsburgh Yearbook 1937- John Woodruff $ 300.00
Univ. of Pittsburgh- Alumni Review 1939- Lot 2 issues
Univ. of Pittsburgh- Alumni Review 1939- Lot 2 issues $ 15.00
Univ. of Pittsburgh- Cap and Gown Drama Club 4/1938
Univ. of Pittsburgh- Cap and Gown Drama Club 4/1938 $ 15.00
Univ. of Pittsburgh- Czechoslovak Heritage Room 1940
Univ. of Pittsburgh- Czechoslovak Heritage Room 1940 $ 15.00
Univ. of Pittsburgh- Time Schedule of Classes- 1950
Univ. of Pittsburgh- Time Schedule of Classes- 1950 $ 15.00
Univ.of Pittsburgh- School of Engineering 1957/58
Univ.of Pittsburgh- School of Engineering 1957/58 $ 15.00
University of Akron 1942 Yearbook- College at War Years
University of Akron 1942 Yearbook- College at War Years $ 15.00
University of Cincinnati 1915 Graduating Exercises
University of Cincinnati 1915 Graduating Exercises $ 15.00
University of Miami 1962 Yearbook. "The Ibis"
University of Miami 1962 Yearbook. "The Ibis" $ 100.00
University of Miami 1964 Yearbook- The Ibis
University of Miami 1964 Yearbook- The Ibis $ 100.00
University of Notre Dame 1947 Yearbook- The Dome
University of Notre Dame 1947 Yearbook- The Dome $ 100.00
University of Notre Dame 1948 Yearbook- The Dome
University of Notre Dame 1948 Yearbook- The Dome $ 100.00
University of Notre Dame 1949 Yearbook- The Dome
University of Notre Dame 1949 Yearbook- The Dome $ 100.00

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