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Collectibles -> Historical Memorabilia -> Teaching & Education -> Colleges & Universities
(click to enlarge) Cornell Alumni News 1/18/1940 Scientists Arrest Old Age

This is Cornell Alumni News, Vol. 42, No. 15, January 18, 1940. This newsletter contains a variety of short news articles with black-and-white photographs throughout. One notable article is "Scientists Arrest Old Age Changes in University Animal Nutrition Laboratories" - with photos and article about the work of Profs Maynard and McCay and their work on the rat "Methuselah" and how it lived twice its normal expected lifetime due to severe dietary restrictions. Lots of other articles about faculty, campus, alumni, athletics, clubs, short essays and columns, etc. Size is 8.75 x 11.75, pages 193-208 plus advertisements, condition is very good.

$ 15.00
Item # : 122049
Box # : 47076
Shipping From: Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Shipping Policy: See item description
Payments Accepted via: See Item Description

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