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Books -> Magazine Back Issues
Newsweek 10/3/49 Joseph Stalin-Man with the Bomb
(click to enlarge)

Newsweek Magazine 10/3/49 cover Joseph Stalin "Man with the Bomb" front and back covers along with interior pages are intact and bound. Overall condition is good. This issue deals with Stalin's control of nuclear weapons. Discussion and pictures of the Russian military leaders who now controlled nuclear weapons and how America could be exposed to attack. Joseph Stalin became general secretary of the communist party in 1922 and began to consolidate his power following lenin's death in 1924,and in 1941 became premier of the soviet union and held the position until his death in oct 16, 1952.

$ 15.00
Item # : 138823 Box # : 988884
Shipping From: 1018 5th Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Shipping Policy: See item description
Payments Accepted via: See Item Description

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